New 3" tiles from Motawi Tileworks.

New 3″ tiles from Motawi Tileworks.

A sure sign that Spring is just around the corner, are weeds and the little birds chirping outside our windows, fluttering from branch to branch, gathering twigs and whatnot for nests. These sweet little tiles from Motawi Tile Art just arrived and we had to share a picture! These three are just a handful of the distinctive, hand glazed tiles we offer from Motawi. With designs by several respected American artists including local printmaker, Yoshiko Yamamoto, and lamps and clocks with tile inserts by Schlabaugh and Sons, you can create a unique, yet perfectly coordinated look for your home or office.

Our Winter Sale has been very successful, but we still have dozens of items left to offer including original paintings, blown glass, prints, jewelry and more. It’s the last week, so be sure to come in soon!  

Greeting card from Burdock & Bramble and wooden pen by Judi Ditmer.

Greeting card from Burdock & Bramble and wooden pen by Judi Ditmer.


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