Jewelry from Andi Clarke

Jewelry from Andi Clarke

We are wrapping up the last Third Thursday with a trunk show from Olympia jewelry artist, Andi Clarke.

Andi has a unique style which incorporates her passion of beach combing, interest in antiques, travel, gardening & nature. Each of her pieces tells a story – stones tumbled by waves, a piece of beach glass, a shard from an heirloom plate, leaves off a favorite plant, all receive a second life in Andi’s jewelry. Carefully woven together, often with healing crystals or pearls, the combinations are limitless, and there is a necklace, bracelet or earrings for every sense of style.

Join us for treats and a night of shopping on this last Third Thursday event on December 19th from 5-7pm.  See how Andi Clarke Jewelry has evolved through the years, enjoy a snack and finish up your Holiday shopping. Complimentary gift wrap and a set of William Winden greeting cards is included on all of Andi’s jewelry purchases.

We have loads of great gifts for all of the teachers, babysitters, dog walkers, coworkers, friends & family on your list, with everything from stocking stuffers to engagement rings. Shop from home online, and we can have your gifts wrapped up and ready to go!


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