Imprinted bags from Leaf Leather -  $38 - $195

Imprinted bags from Leaf Leather – $38 – $195

September is always a month of transition – back to school for students, shorter days, leaves turning color and changes in wardrobe.

One of the easiest changes to make, is adding a new purse. The intricate detailing of botanicals in the hand tooled leather of Leaf Leather handbags is unsurpassed. Every style is a one of a kind, wearable, piece of art. Using maple, salal, dogwood and other familiar impressions inspired by Mother Nature, the perfectly tooled leather is matched up to a smartly designed bag, ready to be shown off. Equally as lovely, are the pretty coin purses and wallets made to match. Though the tooling on these bags is delicate, they are amazingly sturdy and functional, and are certain to give pleasure every time you use them.

The rainy season is sneeking up on us. Remember, if you don’t want to leave home, you can always take a virtual tour of the gallery, and our new online shop will be ready to use soon. Keep checking back for updates and new items!


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