"Keeping His Thoughts Light" by John & Robin Gumaelius

“Keeping His Thoughts Light” by John & Robin Gumaelius

If you made it in for Arts Walk or have passed by our latest exhibit featuring birds in art, you certainly had to have seen the amazing sculptures from John & Robin Gumaelius.

The body of work from this creative team is almost always seen in the form of a bird, or incorporates them somewhere in the glazing. While we all seem to have a connection to birds, (hence the last exhibit), you may have found even more curious details and equally quirky titles to the pieces. Wheels, trees, halos, multiple heads and limbs, houses, cups & plates….the mystery of these details either strikes your fancy immediately, leaves you wondering, or even feeling somewhat uncomfortable with the unknown. Well, there is a story to be told with each piece when you put the symbolism together.

Wheels bring traveling, life journey and direction. Multiple arms are choices, heads decisions and connectedness. Houses mean a place of belonging, home &  family. Cups, plates & bowls celebrate ceremony or ritual. Trees hold much meaning, as they portray growth, giving, forbidden knowledge, even Adam & Eve. Halos indicate self discovery, the unexplained and ironically the understanding of the mysterious. Perfect!

We hope knowing just a few of the hidden messages behind these outstanding creations, will motivate you to take a little extra time on your next visit to the gallery to find the deeper story they tell. We always keep a “legend” of the symbolism John & Robin use at the desk and invite our customers to read more into the sculpture than what is obvious to the eye alone.

Join Childhood’s End and Downtown Olympia for this year’s Trick-or-Treat event Saturday, October 31st, and see the exhibit too!



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